Sunday, January 20, 2008

12 Scientifically-Proven Fitness Tricks to Up 'Burn Rate'

I know we're Muay Thai practitioners, but we're girls too! Keeping our body in shape is probably one of the reasons why some of us pursue Muay Thai as a long term hobby, other than, of course, we all love the sport! The twisting and turning in Muay Thai techniques help to burn a alot of calories and develop nice ab muscles. However, females tend to have a higher density of fats than men. When we're training, we're building muscles fast and because the training requires high power intensity, we tend to develop muscles in bulk, bulk up especially the upper part of our body. And this when accompanied with our high density of fats makes us heavier and bulkier.

I don't know about you guys but sometimes getting bigger kind of worries me. I build up muscles on the upper part of the body very fast and therefore, I make an effort in watching my diet and make it a point to do my long runs and intervals at least 2 to 3 times a week. I find that by doing this, I am maintaining my muscle density and losing the weight of my fats at the same time, keeping me in shape and not exactly bulking up too much.

I found the article below on the web:

Know this:
If you’re convinced that you’re melting fat while exercising, you’ll make a mind-body connection that will actually help you lose fat faster, Dillinger explains. In a 2007 Harvard study, participants who believed they were getting a good workout showed greater reductions in body fat than subjects who performed the same activities but didn’t feel like they were really exercising.

Do this: The next time you do anything active, remind yourself every few minutes that you’re giving it your all. This little mental move may moti-vate you to push yourself harder, leading to even greater fat loss.

read more | digg story


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